Vov - A Great Italian Liqueur

Vov - A Great Italian Liqueur 

Mama Isa makes a delicious liqueur VOV! She shares her tips and a recipe with you!

VOV (a traditional Italian alcoholic drink) was invented in 1845 by Gian Battista Pezziol, a confectioner of Padova (in English Padua) specialized in the production of nougat, which required just the egg yolks.
Pezziol invented this recipe to use egg yolks leftovers after making nougat (in Italian Torrone). So he used not only egg yolks, but sugar, milk, alcohol for liqueur, and Marsala wine.
The word "vov" derives from the Venetian dialect "vovi", meaning eggs.
How to make vov

4 egg yolks (organic or free range)
1/2 lt of milk
400 g of sugar
100 g of Marsala Secco Wine
100 g of alcohol for liqueur

Mama Isa’s Secrets:

Mama Isa uses only organic eggs or free-range eggs, of coure. About the Marsala wine, she prefers one of the best Marsala wine in the world: Marsala Superiore Secco Florio. It has delicate notes of vanilla and oak on the palate and is elegant and moderately dry. A perfect match for VOV.
Marsala Superiore Secco Florio: perfect for VOV


In a larga saucepan bring to boil the milk with 250 g of sugar. Boil at low heater for 5 minutes.
Let it cool.
Beat the egg yolks with 150 g sugar in a bowl with electric beaters until it is creamy.
When the milk/sugar has cooled, add it to the egg/sugar mixture.
Then add the alcohol, Marsala, always stirring.
Sieve the mixture with a very fine sift and pour it in a bottle.
Close the lid and keep in the fridge (minimum or 1 month before serving).
Shake well before drinking it.

How to make VOV: milk and sugar

How to make VOV - Beat the yolks with sugar

Enjoy a glass of Vov!
Recipe: how to make homemade VOV liqueur
Vov is delicious served with Biscotti!