Baccalà Mantecato | Dried Cod Mousse from Venice

Baccalà Mantecato | Dried Cod Mousse from Venice

                                         The Quintessentially Venetian Antipasto

INGREDIENTS (serves 6)
500 g of dried cod (stockfish) in Venetian baccalà (best if you can buy Ragno quality, the top quality stockfish). In all Venetian recipes, Baccalà stands for dried cod (stockfish), not salted cod!
2 cloves of garlic
1 fresh bay leaf
black pepper

a lot of extra virgin olive oil
Cut the cod stockfish into pieces and place them into a pan full of water.
Place in the fridge to soak. Change the water twice a day for the following 2 days.
When ready drain the stockfish and rinse it.
Open the pieces and try to remove the skin, any guts and bones.
Place the pieces in a pan and cover with some lightly salted water. Add a fresh bay leaf. And cook for about 30 minutes.
Make sure to remove the foam which will form when the water starts boiling.
After half an hour, remove the pieces of stockfish from the pan and place in a container with deep sides.
Add 2 gloves of garlic.
Take a wooden spoon and start to mix with real energy slowly adding the extra virgin olive oil. The quantity of the evoo will depend on the capacity of absorbing of the stockfish.
Carry on mixing till the stockfish will turn into a nice and white mousse like sort of creamy sauce. Taste and add salt if required.
Add some black pepper and use on bruschetta or crostini or grilled slices of polenta.

The difficulty of this dish is the mixing that can take up to an hour. To speed the process up you can use an immersion mixer.

Buon Appetito!

Recipe of the day - Baccalà Mantecato - Dried Cod Mousse Mama Isa's Cooking School Venice Italy
Baccalà Ragno - Top Quality of Stockfish Baccalà Mantecato Recipe 
Recipe of the day - Baccalà Mantecato - Dried Cod Mousse Mama Isa's Cooking School Venice Italy
Recipe of the day - Baccalà Mantecato - Dried Cod Mousse Mama Isa's Cooking School Venice Italy

Baccalà Mantecato
Baccalà Mantecato